Monday, April 4, 2011

twenty(2)too interview ft. Kaan Tilki (part 9)

    Interview :
    Lestat : Who is Mihai Dan Zarug, the designer of Romanian label twenty(2)too ?
    Mihai : I'm 30 years old, I live and work in Bucharest. People would say about me that I'm open-minded, playful and possibly a bit too exacting. I am not very comfortable with the word 'designer', as I feel I would love to become rather more an artisan in the long run. My favorite part is not drawing but getting into the patterns and the sewing machines. I'm keen on the entire process of transformation.
    Lestat : How did you start you career ?
    Mihai : I started my brand in 2009. I had my first showcase in January 2010 in Paris. I stuck in. My passion for clothing began in my chilhood. My mother used to run a factory. Because in those days it was difficult to have a nanny (my brother and I were little devils), I used to spend some of my time at my mom's work place. And I was loving it. I was fascinated to see how the big rolls of fabric were transported by a machine and then cut by a computer. I was in heaven. But other than that, dolls were my fave toys !
    I chose to design menswear because I reckon I never could find the clothes I wanted to wear when I was a teenager and it kind of got a frustration to me with time. And then of course, my first serious job in Paris was under Alain Gossuin, who designs only menswear. I take it that the first job you get defines your future.
    Lestat : What's a working day like ?
    Mihai : First off, my day is a mess. Hectic, I mean. I can plan the important things like production, deadlines and orders, pretty much everything that affects the people I work with, but as far as I'm concerned, my own expectations drive me disappointed. I have alot of fun doing my job and I'll continue only as long as it makes me happy.
    Lestat : What/who inspires you most ?
    Mihai : Hmmm... it's hard to say... the people I meet up with, the music I listen to, the places I happen to got to... all mixed with my mood of the moment. For instance, the very first idea for the Fall/Winter 2011 collection started from a picture of Bronski Beat. I can't even remember how I got to listen to their song on Youtube but I got obsessed with a picture of Jimmy Sommerville with his hands in his pockets. Funny, huh ?
    First question that pops up when I design something is : "Would I wear this ?"... and then it's always what I feel I would absolutely want for that season.
    I love the idea of an alien ship descending towards a Romanian village, what the inhabitants would take, how this exchange would happen. Would they start a blended culture ? And what about the crossover babies ? !
    Lestat : How was the process of this season's collection ?
    Mihai : This was kind of a "one man show". I started from the idea of transformables. Pieces of clothing you can transform and mix together to create something else. I'm increasingly fond of versatile items. Nowadays you gotta think twice before investing in fancy fashion. The Summer collection is entitled "A chain reaction". I liked the Wikipedia definition of a positive feedback and I thought it was perfect for what was my mood at that time : "Basically a system undergoing positive feedback is unstable and it will tend to spiral out of control as the effect amplifies itself". It was right after my début collection that got great reviews but no commercial feedback.
    It's very easy for me to start a collection. I have great endurance for work when I love my job and I almost never stop. It becomes more difficult on the way, when I have new ideas that I want to add on. And it's always more difficult to keep it simple and coherent rather than to unleash the creative beast ! Oh by the way, the little logo face is MeeMo, from "yo mismo" in Spanish (i.e 'myself'). I made it in Paris between two assignments, I was a bit down and bored, staring at my messenger page with no one to talk to. I decided to have fun though. I love that little face, it's so me !
    The model of this season's lookbook shot by Tibi Clenci was a boy aged only 17 at the time of the shoot. Allure (the modeling agency) called me to tell me about a newbie they just spotted. He never worked before. So I was like "Oh no, another boring kid who wanna be a model". And then they sent him in for a fitting. he was electrifying, extremely handsome, very skinny, a bit shy and very polite. I was amazed, and still am. His name is Kaan Tilki.
    Lestat : There's alot of black in this collection. Why ?
    Mihai : Black is universal, everyone wears it. At the same time, it's a classic to pick up again when in doubt. I mostly use it to express angst, sorrow, vagueness, the reality of life in actuality, which -let's face it- is never that pink ! So I start the collections with black, the black reality. Then I step into the light of a chosen dimension, much more colorful and fun.
    Lestat : What are your projects ?
    Mihai : I'm currently working on my next collection, SS12, which I hope I can show in Berlin. I'd love to showcase it again in Paris too. I also plan a fash show here in Bucharest for this collection. I already have ideas for the show I really want to do. Actually not only some ideas, I'm a control freak, you know. Everything's already chosen, from location to music and lighting !
    Lestat : Is love important to you ?
    Mihai : Extremely important. I am a very lucky one with the family and friends I have. It's mainly thanks to their love that I can keep on living my dream. As far as the more romantic side of the matter is concerned, I haven't met the right person to keep up with as of yet. Maybe tomorrow !
    Lestat : What do you wear to bed ?
    Mihai : Naughty question ! Not much, undies, most of the time nothing, not even a drop of Chanel No.5.
    Lestat : Do you spend much time on the Internet ?
    Mihai : Fairly much. It is an incredible source of information. For example, if I need to now more about a supplier, I can find out pretty much everything in twi minutes with a simple Googl search.
    Lestat : Answer the question you'd like to be asked.
    Mihai : Yes I will marry you !
    Lestat : Thanks for your joie de vivre Mr MeeMo !
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